“Sweet Little Lies: The 40-yr Campaign to Cover up Evidence that Sugar Kills” “[T]he fact that no confirmed scientific evidence links sugar to the death-dealing diseases…is the lifeblood” of the Sugar Association. I encourage you to read the article and review the Internal papers from the Sugar Industry which reveal a strategy to safeguard sugar from “opportunists,” “pseudoscientists,” and “enemies.” …
The 12 Most Important Foods To Eat Everyday!
The 12 Most Important Foods Everyone Should Eat Everyday! On October 22nd, Boulder Therapeutics & Pace + West Physical Therapy kicked off our bi-monthly lecture series with a Nutrition Talk given by nutritionist Pam Vagnieres. With over 20 people in attendance, we all learned how to eat a well-balanced diet which focuses on reducing inflammation in the body and the …
77 Health Benefits of Yoga Supported by Nurses!
Health Benefits of Yoga This article, written by NursingDegree.net, highlights 77 health benefits of yoga. We’re happy to see this article published by a medical website supporting the numerous benefits of yoga. Read the full article here. Health Benefits Within From lowering blood pressure to increasing pain tolerance, these health benefits can all be discovered within the body. Health Benefits …
AcroYoga Therapeutic Flying
AcroYoga Therapeutic Flying What is AcroYoga? AcroYoga blends the wisdom of yoga, the dynamic power of acrobatics, and the loving kindness of healing arts. These three lineages form the foundation of a practice that cultivates trust, playfulness, and community. What is Therapeutic Flying? AcroYoga has 3 main elements to the practice, yoga, acrobatics and healing arts. Therapeutic flying is categorized …
Yoga Anatomy Trainings
Yoga Anatomy Trainings Have you ever been interested in learning more about anatomy in your yoga practice? Our Sports/Injury Specialist, David Abookire, has been teaching functional anatomy to yoga instructors since 2005. His hands-on classes educate thru power point presentations, use of a full-skeleton model, lecture, Q&A and a hands-on workshop approach to education. Functional Yoga Anatomy Trainings: Level 1 …
Motivated by the Olympics: Try something new
Olympics Inspired! As we watched so many athletes perform at such high levels in the Olympics, it has made us think about our own self-limiting thoughts. Why couldn’t we try to be more acrobatic, more fit and healthier as we age? Sure, it might take more effort. And maybe we’re not as flexible as we used to be. But that …
Proper Alignment in Yoga Forward Folds
Why you’ve been doing forward folds wrong for years. “Stack your joints.” As students, we hear this in every class. “Stack your joints.” As teachers, we offer this reminder throughout our asana practice. But when it comes to forward folds, it seems we forget this cue in our journey toward the floor. Or do we even know what it means …
We View Surgeries & Surgery Videos: Knee Scope
We love to learn. And we love to educate. We’re happy to review your surgery videos (or to attend them when we can) to help us learn more about your body. The more we understand, the better we can apply our soft-tissue work. Here is an example of a knee scope & microfracture. The scope cleans the uneven surfaces to …
How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body…or not
Yogis, I’m sure you were shocked to read the New York Times article, How Yoga Can Wreck Your Body, published on Jan 5th, 2012. While a bit sensationalized and dated in its examples, there is some truth to the article. Let’s use this opportunity to hear the warnings and modify our practice accordingly. It’s important to recognize that yoga, like …
Lower Back Pain from a Lumbar Disc Injury
As a massage therapist and anatomy instructor, I receive many questions about herniated discs and lower back pain. This amazing 4 minute video gives a view inside our bodies with 3D animation. See the anatomy behind how our vertebra stack on top of one another, how they move around the spinal cord and how the spinal nerves exit the spinal …