What is Trigger Point Injection Therapy, Acupoint Therapy and “Wet Needling”
Trigger point injections or Acupoint Injection therapy employs the use of hypodermic needles to supply a local anesthetic or homeopathic solution directly into stubborn trigger points for tension release and pain reduction. Vitamins, herbs or minerals can also be used to inject directly into acupuncture points to enhance their specific effect on the body.
Trigger Point Injections Reduce Pain!
Dry Needling alone can be very beneficial, but injecting a local anesthetic or homeopathic solution can help break up scar tissue and reduce pain faster. A few sessions in a row are recommended with constant monitoring on your progress. We will assess the best treatment strategy for your care but it may include postural work, acupuncture or massage therapy.
What are Vitamin Injections
Vitamin Injections are one of the most bio-available ways of getting nutrients that are vital to your health. Many people are deficient of vitamins and don’t know it. The result can be a slow degradation in health, poor metabolism and faster aging. Often general supplements have low absorbability, or they are in a form that the body has trouble processing. Getting a vitamin injection can replenish levels much faster, and for some people can be felt immediately.
We offer vitamin injections for the Immune System, Energy, Fat Burning, and Inflammation. We can also inject many vitamins and minerals individually or combined, depending on your specific needs, as determined by your Acupuncturist or treating medical provider.
Super Immune Boost Shot – A Vitamin mega boost with an array of bio-available Minerals & B C, D Vitamins as well as Engystol or Gripp.
Lipotropic Fat Burner Shot – A combination of Lipotropic M.I.C Vitamins & B12 support metabolism and catalyze the breakdown fat. Used in concord with healthy exercise and diet.
Anti-Inflammation Shots – Inflammation in the body can play a large role in pain relief, stress and overall well being. B vitamins in support of glutathione can help reduce inflammation and increase well being.
Why Choose Boulder Therapeutics?
All of our Acupuncturists, massage therapists and medical practitioners are skilled in advanced treatment techniques. We’ll review your posture and help assess the actual cause of your pain or restriction. We will also explain when to use ice or heat and will provide stretches & recommendations to help get you feeling better.
Our Experience
The staff at Boulder Therapeutics takes great pride in our ability to help athletes & injured clients reach their full potential. We work in conjunction with doctors, chiropractors, physical therapists, and other health care professionals to provide our clients with the highest level of care possible. We have treated everything from pulled muscles, whiplash and joint pain to scoliosis, carpal tunnel syndrome and severe nerve pain. And if you’re an athlete, we will create a session unique to your needs using the same knowledge, skills and experience we have developed working with professional level athletes from the NFL, MLS, World Cup, Olympians, International Rugby teams, professional cyclists, runners, triathletes, rock climbers and many other sports. For 12 seasons, the staff at Boulder Therapeutics were the massage therapists for the Colorado Rapids Professional Soccer Team.